Try Sage 50 free for 30 days

Join the hundreds of thousands Canadian small businesses that rely on Sage 50 Accounting software to:

  • Easily organize your business finances, invoicing and inventory.
  • Understand your customers, expenses and cash flow.
  • Send invoices, track expenses, and accept online payments from anywhere.
  • Efficiently and cost effectively pay employees in house.

No credit card required.
All data entered during your trial download is maintained when you purchase.

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Solutions you can trust.

Canada's #1 choice of small business and #1 preferred by accountants1

Sage 50 is supported by Canada's largest network of accountants and bookkeepers.

Try it for 60 days to see if it's right for your business; we'll refund your money if you're not satisfied

Used by hundreds of thousands of Canadian small businesses

To learn more or to begin using Sage 50 Accounting in your business today, call 1-888-261-9610.

See what other businesses are saying about Sage 50:

“Sage 50 allows me to keep track of everything in one place. My accountant even loves Sage 50 because it makes his job easier!”
I could not function in a small office without SageSandy McIntosh
Richmond Caring Place Society
“Everything is current and right there, at your fingertips.”
Cannery BrewingLisa Peck
Cannery Brewing
“I've tried other accounting softwares but I recommend Sage to anyone that will listen!”
Taylor Pro TruckingPeggy Stewart
Taylor Pro Trucking


Can I get technical support or help for my trial version?

Customer Support will assist with one call to set up the sample company for a single installation on one computer. We do not support Sage 50 First Step trial version.

What are the system requirements for a trial version?

The system requirements for the trial are the same as those needed for full product versions. Please review the System Requirements for the different Sage 50 versions.

Can I try multiple Sage 50 versions?

Only one trial version can be installed on one computer. To try another version, please install it on a computer that has not had another Sage 50 trial version installed or uninstalled previously.

Is the trial version multi-user?

Sage 50 First Step Accounting and Sage 50 Pro Accounting offer a single user license. Sage 50 Premium Accounting and Sage 50 Quantum Accounting are limited to two user licenses for the trial version.

Can I import my company data from another accounting software?

Sage 50 includes a wizard to help you import information from several other small business accounting products. If you use your real company data file during the trial, make regular backups of your data so that you can easily revert back to an earlier “save”. Having recent backup copies makes it easy to undo any changes that you decide not to keep.

Please note: At this time, data can be imported from QuickBooks and MYOB; however, certain conditions and limitations apply, please read the following Knowledgebase Articles:

  • Converting your QuickBooks data to Sage 50 Accounting (search for Answer ID 260-24184)
  • Converting MYOB data to Sage 50 Accounting (search for Answer ID 19500)

For any other software, you would have to create your company file from scratch.

Can I import my company data from an older version of Sage Simply Accounting?

You can open your company data file using the trial version; however, please make a backup of your company data prior to using it with trial. This is particularly important if your trial copy is a higher version of Sage 50 (e.g., if you own Sage 50 Pro Accounting and have installed a trial copy of Sage 50 Premium Accounting); once you upgrade a database to a higher version of Sage 50, you cannot downgrade it to your regular full version. You would have to restore your most recent backup and re-enter any work done since. Data cannot be downgraded.

Can I use my trial company data after I purchase Sage 50?

Yes, you can use your trial company data after you purchase Sage 50, provided you are using the same version or a higher one. For example, if your trial version was Sage 50 Pro Accounting and then you decided to purchase Sage 50 Pro Accounting or Sage 50 Premium Accounting, you would be able to open your company data. If your trial version was Sage 50 Pro Accounting and you decided to purchase Sage 50 First Step Accounting, you would have to create your company file from scratch.

During my trial usage, I get a message that my trial period has expired; although, I have not used it for 30 days. What do I do if want an extension?

You can install the trial on a computer where it was not installed before (the trial version will not work on the same computer). There is no extension of the trial period; however, if you still get the message, please call a Sage 50 representative at 1-888-261-9610 and talk to a Sales Associate to discuss your options.

How do I uninstall my trial software?

To uninstall your trial version, close any open Sage 50 software on your computer and do the following: In Windows, open the Windows Control Panel and find the Add/Remove/Uninstall feature appropriate to the Windows operating system you use, then double-click Add or Remove Programs. Select the product you want to uninstall, click Change/Remove, and then follow the onscreen instructions.

Is there a Macintosh version?

Sage 50 is not compatible with Mac OS and is not designed or tested for Mac Parallels. However, we do have some customers that have had success using Parallels. Customers using Sage 50 Accounting on a Mac assume all related risks. For Mac users, Sage now offers Sage Business Cloud Enterprise Management, a cloud-based solution that works for Mac users and PC users alike.

Once I have tried the trial version and decided to buy it, what do I do?

Please call a Sage 50 representative at 1-888-261-9610 to make your purchase and you will be given a serial number and activation key (Key Code). To unlock the full version, you will need to enter this information in Sage 50. To do this, open the Help menu and select Upgrade your Sage 50 Product.


Customer Support will assist with one call to set up the sample company for a single installation on one computer. Not available for Sage 50 First Step Accounting.

  1. Sage 50 Premium Accounting includes two user licenses. Up to four licenses can be purchased.
  2. Sage 50 Quantum Accounting price above includes Sage Business Care Gold plan.
  3. Sage 50 Quantum Accounting includes 5 user licenses. Up to 40 user licenses can be purchased.
Nexus: G-WEBCD6