Sage Advice

Now accountants can LEAP ahead in their careers and for their clients

Sage has developed a program help accountanting firms, accountants, and clients; it's called Leadership Education for Accounting Professionals (LEAP). What is it? It's an education program in partnership with the Business Learning Institute, a company founded by the Maryland Association of CPAs. LEAP's goals are to:

  • Create custom learning solutions for individuals and organizations.
  • Demonstrate how accounting professionals can add more value to their clients.
  • Surpass the competition by understanding emerging industry trends.
  • Uncover growth strategies for not accounting firms and their clients.

The feedback we’ve received from attendees is astounding. Sage has heard more than one attendee say, "This changed my life.”

One size doesn't fit all in training

We know everyone learns differently and has different availability. That's why we offer in-person workshops and seminars, webcasts, and on-demand content to help accounting professionals. In other words, you get to learn at your pace.

Experience LEAP for yourself
Find your opportunity

Visit to find course schedules, register for courses, and get more information on LEAP. We even have promotional offers.

Ideas, questions, or feedback

For questions or feedback, contact Jennifer Warawa:

Nexus: G-WEBCD4