Sage View

Manage Talent and Performance to Get the Best From Your People

Talent Management modules—available as extensions to Sage HRMS—deliver the tools to help HR managers and executives keep employees engaged and satisfied. That's key to increasing workforce retention, reducing turnover costs, and maximizing ROEI.

What better talent management can do for you

Among its many business benefits:

  • Fill open positions efficiently
  • Keep track of training-based requirements and skills for employees
  • Match up people and positions, and manage successions
  • Help employees understand and align with organizational strategy, structure, and goals

Thrive using workforce career development planning

How will your organization handle the problem of maintaining an experienced workforce in the midst of a generational shift of seismic proportions? This white paper will examine the changing workforce, the skill gap crisis, the importance of managing and developing your workforce, and the most practical and effective ways to go about it.

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Return on Employee Investment (ROEI)

Developing talent within the workforce is one of the most important ways that companies ensure future success and increase their Return on Employee Investment (ROEI).

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Building blocks of effective training programs

A highly skilled workforce is critical to continued success, and employee learning and development is taking center stage. Industry professionals are looking beyond the classroom for new delivery models and engagement strategies.

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Social media and HR—friends or foes?

Social media is making a huge impact on the way we use the Internet, communicate with friends and family, network with business colleagues, gather information, and make decisions.

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Talent Management Modules

First choose Sage HRMS. Then add these Talent Management modules as your business needs require.

Fill open positions efficiently

With Sage HRMS Cyber Recruiter by Visibility Software, you can fill open positions more quickly and efficiently. This in-house, 100% web-accessible tool is highly configurable, paperless, and process-oriented.

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Perform what-if analyses with org charts

Use Sage HRMS OrgPlus to help yourself and your employees better understand your company's strategy and structure, as well as everyone's role in achieving organizational objectives.

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Track training-based on-the-job requirements

With Sage HRMS Cyber Train by Visibility Software, you can manage employee and nonemployee training, including classes, course requirements, programs, and certifications.

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